Here is my story
I had rosacea appearing on my face at age 24 while working as a waitress in one restaurant in London. After the second day at work my face got bright red and have not returned to its normal colour for the next year and half. Whole face was burning red and I only had white circles around my eyes and a mouth. I was single, dreaming about relationship, working at customer facing role yet having face I was embarrassed to show.
During this time I have tried to get help from GP who have diagnosed me with acne rosacea, told me I was lucky and prescribed oral contraceptive pills for this condition, which didn’t work. Then I went to see couple of private dermatologist who advised to try Azelaic acid cream and it didn't helped either until one private doctor recommended Roaccutane. This helped, but the side effects have been so unbearable that I had to stop after two months and later rosacea came back, just this time it wasn’t as bad as before. Now it was only covering my cheeks, which I tried to manage with countless of different rosacea creams. Then rosacea started appearing on my neck and at this point I knew I don’t want to go back on medication and I also knew that rosacea skincare products doesn’t work, so I need a new approach. While searching for information I came across Nutritional Therapy course. The approach of treating body as a whole, not just separate parts of it resonated so much with me and more I read about it the more it made sense.
This information reached me just on time, as I also have been dealing with depression and just couldn't understand why all these health issues are happening to me since I am the one who have been vegetarian for about 9 years, so I must be healthier than most people, right? It turns eating balanced meals was more important for my health, than cutting meat out.
After 3 years of studies, diploma in my hands and rosacea under control I kept nutrition as a part time hobby, because I had good carrier opportunities while working for financial companies in London. Until…
I just turned 36 and weird symptoms of hot flashes, insomnia and brain fog appeared. My diet was good, lifestyle was ok, but chronic stress was out of control. Contacted GP, got thyroid checked, few blood tests done… This all took about a year from "all seems normal" to "something is not right" as my periods almost disappeared by then. Doctor confirmed that in cases of early menopause it develops very quick and there is no treatment available to revers it. Referral to specialist would take another 10 months and I knew I had to do something myself, because our medical system is not here to help me.
I read books, done research, had to make tough career choice but today I am happy I chosen what was the best for me and my body.
Only looking back you can connect dots and see the reasons why things happened the way it happened.
Experience with our health care system was so disappointing and unsupportive. I knew I had chance with my nutrition knowledge to do something about my condition, but what about all those young women, who only have information available from their doctor, which provides no hope.
It is heartbreaking and extremely worrying how mistreated women are:
- Early or late menopause - treatment option is the same, to treat the symptoms - hormonal replacement therapy with its side effects and increased risk for cancer.
- For skin issues - regardless of your age, oral contraceptive pill with its side effects and risks factors.
How your condition is affecting your mental health or life quality is not asked, because you might require more resources, so it is cheaper to ignored it.
This is not just my story, this is also story of ladies I had pleasure to talk to, who shared experience of ignorance and lack of support at doctor's office, while facing very sensitive health issues.
That's when I decided that it was time to upgrade nutrition from hobby to carrier, because I want to be there providing help and support without the side effects, and be someone who cares, so you don't need to go through these rough times alone.
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