I believe that wellbeing in the body manifests through our ability of keeping balance between care of our physical body (food, hydration, nourishment, movement, rest, chemical load, elimination processes) and mental health (connections, hobbies, emotions, feelings, relationships with others, relationships with ourselves, purpose). Everything in the body is connected and it operates as one unit, therefore your physical actions can have impact on your mental health and your mental health can impact your physical health. Restoring balance means that we will be looking at both, physical and mental elements of the body, see where things went out of control and try to bring it to balance, so you can feel your best.
Restore package
- 1h 30min initial consultation (online)
- 3x 1h follow up consultations (online)
- Lifestyleand dietary suggestions
- Supplement and testing sugestions if needed*
- Test results review and referals if needed
- Email follow up
*cost of suggested items is not included
DNA testing
If you need one off
1h 30min Nutritional Therapy initial online consultation - £200
1h Follow up online consultation - £150
1h Health Coaching online consultation - £150
*cost of recomended items is not included
Terms of Engagement
Good nutrition supports the body's natural defenses and resistance. However, no claim can be made about the
efficacy of any naturopathic nutritional advice.
The Nutritional Therapy:
• Nutritional advice will be tailored to support medically diagnosed conditions and/or health
concerns agreed and identified by the two parties.
• Nutritional therapist are not permitted to diagnose or claim to treat medical conditions.
• Nutritional therapy is not a substitute for professional medical advice and treatment.